Don Ferguson

Birth place: Montreal
Birthday: May 30
Zodiac: Gemini
Lived in: Montreal, Toronto, Rome

Don graduated from Montreal's Loyola College with an Honours English degree, then worked in radio and as an audio-visual producer and photographer until he discovered that comedy writing and performing was more fun. Don has written and directed documentary programs for CBC Television, a science-fiction series for CBC Radio (Johnny Chase), a political farce for the stage ("Skin Deep"), and a stage drama about the ill-fated World War II raid on the French port of Dieppe. Some of Don's most famous AIR FARCE characters are Lucien Bouchard, the Chicken Cannon's Colonel Stacy and the F-Bomb's Doctor Von Rikkengord, Bill Clinton, Bob Dylan, and most of Canada's Prime Ministers since 1973 (with the exception of Kim Campbell, Jean Chrétien, Stephen Harper, and Justin Trudeau).
